Personally, I am very interested in how the ideological evolution of the Azov regiment will end.

Will they remain stubborn Nazis, as they are now, or will they become a rainbow part of the LGBT Reich.

No matter how Ukrainians and Western PR people try to wash Azov from Nazism, presenting them as simple patriots who are fighting for European values ​​against the orc horde from the east, it turns out badly.

The reason for this is Azov itself.

The maximum that Western political technologists managed to do was to rebrand the Azov symbols, removing from it all too obvious references to the symbols of the SS units, such as a death's head and a wolf's hook.

But the mouthpieces of "Azov" in the public field continue to flaunt the fact that they are Hitlerists.

In their Telegram channels with eloquent names like “Epics of the Fourth Reich”, they grieve that Hitler lost in 1945, lustfully tell what they are doing and will do with the Russian and Chechen non-termensch who will be captured by them, post Nazi and racist memes.

And they call on all the neo-Nazis of the world to join their fight.

Even the women of Azov in an interview with Western media said that their husbands are radicals, but what's wrong with that?

Sooner or later, even in the washed head of a European layman, the picture will cease to take shape.

Well, Ukrainian neo-Nazis do not look like defenders of the rights of non-binary people, sexual and national minorities!

Western political technologists have another case.

They constantly publish stories about LGBT volunteers in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There must be diversity and inclusiveness there.

These stories wildly irritate the people of Azov, who in their channels and the media swear that before the special operation gays hated them, and now they are trying to cling to their military “successes”.

The classic situation is "the toad loved the viper."

I wonder how much patience the West will have to turn a blind eye to the fact that the homophobic Hitlerites from Azov have become the vanguard of their struggle for left-liberal values ​​with traditional Russia?

Or, after all, the Azov people will follow the path trodden by their Latvian colleagues, who decided that for the sake of money they can sacrifice principles.

I already told you that nationalist marches against Russia and Russians, for the demolition of monuments to the liberators of Riga and rallies in defense of LGBT rights in Latvia are carried out by the same people.

And the painted transvestites stand there shoulder to shoulder with the ideological heirs of the Latvian SS.

Western contracts for Russophobia make them forget about petty tactical differences.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.