Thanks to the Smart-Faune operation, a new species of spider has just been discovered in Savoie: the Sagane rutilante.

According to an article in the

Dauphiné Libéré

, this participatory survey co-animated for four years by the Conservatories of natural spaces of Savoie and Haute-Savoie invites the public to send, via the iNaturalist application, their photos of spiders, molluscs , ladybugs or bedbugs.

Sending by email is also possible (

An iridescent spider with metallic bristles 

Since its launch, this survey has enabled researchers to discover five new species of spiders and three of bedbugs.

Latest find, the Sagane rutilante is an iridescent spider with metallic bristles.

It generally lives under the bark of dead trees, especially chestnut trees. 

The Dauphiné Libéré

states that 25% of forest biodiversity lives only in dead wood.

This is why the National Forestry Office recommends leaving certain deliberately abandoned areas free to evolve, in order to preserve several species, including the Sagane rutilante.

The Conservatories responsible for the survey are planning to acquire private plots to promote this type of biodiversity. 


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  • Chambery

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Spider

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