It's not yet summer but the mercury is already panicking: a heat record for the month of June was recorded on Saturday in Cap Corse, in the north of the island of Beauty, with 37.4 degrees, according to Meteo-France.

It is also the first time in 2022 that the thermometer has reached 37°C anywhere in mainland France, at least on the main network of Météo-France stations, a spokesperson told AFP.

The previous record was 36.6°C and dated June 30, 2019, specifies Météo-France on Twitter.

"It's blisteringly hot today"

All months combined, at Cap Corse, this is the eighth highest value recorded at this station, which opened in 1917. The seven others had all been recorded between the end of July and the beginning of August.

“It is scorching hot today.

I remain cloistered inside.

The laundry dries in five minutes, we are more used to these temperatures during the months of July and August than in June, ”Elizabeth Lembezat, retired in the coastal town of Macinaggio, at the northern end of the country, told AFP. Cape Corsica.

“To beat a value at such an old and emblematic station at the beginning of the month is breathtaking and also reflects the hot surface anomaly in the Mediterranean.

Worrying for the coming summer, ”said forecasting engineer Gaétan Heymes on Twitter.

🌡 Around 2 p.m., the T°C reached peaks in Cap #Corse with 37 degrees, a new monthly record for the month of June ahead of the 36.6°C of June 30, 2019. This is also the 8th highest value , all months combined for this station which has more than 100 years of data.

— Meteo-France (@meteofrance) June 4, 2022

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37.1°C also in Ajaccio

In Ajaccio, it was 37.1°C.

A few drops of rain fell in the morning on the largest Corsican city, leaving traces of sandy brown dust and the atmosphere was heavy and hot in the afternoon, according to an AFP correspondent.

The record in Cap Corse comes the day after the report drawn up by Météo-France for the spring (March-April-May).

During this period, the rainfall deficit was 45% below normal, ranking the third driest spring since the beginning of the 20th century, behind 2011 and 1976, the year of historical drought.

Third hottest spring in France

It also ranked as the third warmest spring.

The month of May was notably the hottest on record, with an average temperature of 17.8°C, one degree higher than the previous record of May 2011, equivalent to a month of June.

In a context of global warming which accentuates the frequency, intensity and duration of droughts, Météo-France is thus counting on a hot and dry summer (June-July-August).

Météo-France has also placed 65 departments ranging from the South-West to the North and East on orange vigilance for thunderstorms until Sunday morning. “The risk of large hail is significant, in particular in the South-West and the Massif central”, according to the organization.


"Small difference, big consequences", the Mediterranean put to the test by early heat


Nice: The previous heat record for the month of April, which dated from 1946, has been beaten

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  • Corsica

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  • Heat

  • Heat wave