A taste of his third album.

This Friday, Bilal Hassani lifted the veil on his new single entitled

Il ou Elle

and released the clip at the end of the day.

“I want to taste all the seasons without asking permission.

I spill ink on idiots without ever asking for forgiveness, ”he sings, sword in hand, in the first verse of this title devoted to gender identity.

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In an interview with


, Bilal Hassani confided in how his view of his own identity had changed over time.

“By convincing others that I was a man and that I had the right to dress as I wanted, I realized that I was viscerally defending something when I was not sure if I believed it .

It was a whole questioning that led me to realize that I don't feel embarrassed when I'm gendered in the masculine and even less when it's feminine, ”he says.

This musical chapter that opens is synonymous with many changes for Bilal Hassani who recently announced that he entered into collaboration with Virgin Music of the Universal group for the distribution of his new album, which is scheduled for release this year.

The finalist of the last season of

Dancing with the stars

promises "a new era, high in color and strong emotions".

He will offer a preview of it as part of the Lollapalooza Festival in Paris on July 16.


"I bring together the marginalized, those who do not feel in their place," says Bilal Hassani


Bilal Hassani and La Fabuleuse, itinerary(s) of an unconfined and uninhibited youth

  • Bilal Hassani

  • Music

  • clip

  • Gender

  • Culture