In the era of bringing babies according to law, "chicken babies" are not desirable

  □ Luo Shuang

  The family is the first school of a child's life, and the parents are the child's first teacher.

It is with the cordial calls of "Dad" and "Mother" that children bathe in the family's affection and care, listen to their parents' earnest teachings, and grow up slowly.

  However, in reality, some "tiger dads", "tiger moms" and "chicken babies" (Internet buzzwords, refer to the behavior of parents who constantly arrange various learning courses and activities for their children to read good books and get good grades in exams. ) is eager to let the children learn knowledge far beyond the cognitive level of the age group, and often abuses and beats, making the children frightened and hurt.

What's even more regrettable is that these parents did not realize their inappropriate behavior, but believed that "hitting their children is out of their control" and "hitting him is for his own good."

So, is homeschooling really out of the law?

Can parents educate their children as they please in the name of love, ignoring their rights?

We can find the answer to this question in the Family Education Promotion Act, which came into effect this year.

  The "chicken baby" behavior of "tiger dads" and "tiger mothers" reflects that some parents have a wrong understanding of family education, and regard improving children's academic performance as the core or even the whole of family education, which seriously hinders the development of minors.

This is one of the important issues to be solved by the Family Education Promotion Law.

In order to correctly guide parents' family education behaviors, the Family Education Promotion Law clarifies the definition and fundamental tasks of family education, and provides guidelines for the content, methods and methods of family education.

Accordingly, parents should establish a correct concept of family education, focus on teaching their children how to be human beings. Focus on the cultivation of self-protection awareness and ability, labor concept and ability, etc., to help children cultivate morality, form good thoughts, good characters, good habits, and good personalities, and lay a solid foundation for their happiness in life.

  Judging from the "chicken baby" behavior itself, forcing children to complete extra after-school homework and learning tasks in order to achieve parents' "hope to become a dragon" expectation is at the expense of children's reasonable time for rest, entertainment and physical exercise. Violation of minors' right to rest and entertainment.

In this regard, the Family Education Promotion Law has made a positive response, clearly requiring the parents or other guardians of minors to reasonably arrange the time for minors to study, rest, entertainment and physical exercise, so as to avoid increasing the learning burden of minors.

Under the background of the country's introduction and implementation of the "double reduction" policy, parents should consciously protect their children's right to rest and entertainment in accordance with the law, and help education get out of the vicious circle of "reducing the burden on campus and increasing the burden outside of school" as soon as possible.

On the one hand, parents should avoid crowding out their children’s rest and entertainment time by forcing them to attend various training classes and complete extra after-school homework. activities so that children can grow up healthily while enjoying a diverse, fulfilling and meaningful family life.

  The behavior of "chicken baby" is often accompanied by the abuse and beating of children by "tiger fathers" and "tiger mothers".

The Family Education Promotion Law clearly stipulates that parents or other guardians of minors shall not commit domestic violence.

Here, attention should be paid to the distinction between educational disciplinary behavior and domestic violence.

Educational punishment is a kind of educational behavior in which parents impose negative sanctions on children's anomie behaviors, so as to avoid their recurrence and promote the generation and consolidation of normal behaviors.

It is an important means and guarantee to promote the socialization of minors, and it is a self-requirement and necessary part of educational activities.

Parents can impose necessary education and punishment on their children, but they must not use beating, binding, maiming, restricting personal freedom, frequent abuse, intimidation, etc. cause damage.

It should also be noted that after the implementation of educational discipline, children should be guided and comforted in a timely manner, so that the educational function of discipline behavior can be brought into full play in a harmonious parent-child relationship.

  The implementation of the Family Education Promotion Law marks the arrival of the era of bringing babies according to law, which also warns parents that "chicken babies" are not the way to go.

May this law awaken parents' awareness of family education, less coercion, control and harm, and more respect, protection and care, so that children can grow up healthily in a warm and loving atmosphere.

  (The author is an associate professor at the Capital Institute of Education Policy and Law, Capital Normal University)