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Have you ever been tempted to drop everything to travel the world?

Itziar Marcotegui and Pablo Strubell

, authors of

The Book of Great Journeys

(Geoplaneta, 2022) have not only embarked on one of these challenging long-term adventures, but have also made travel their way of life.

His latest book is joined by a popular podcast and, above all, the

Journeys of the Great Journeys

, a benchmark in the sector that brings together every year the stories of globetrotters who have lived unique experiences.

Many of them appear in this new volume with which they want to convince us that a journey of months, even years, is not an unrealizable dream.

Do you have to be of a special paste to undertake a trip like this?


All the people who appear in these pages (or ourselves, who have also made long trips) are people with their fears, their doubts, their insecurities... What is shown in the book is that it is not necessary to speak many languages , have a lot of money or have a lot of travel experience.

Neither is being very young, contrary to what many think.

We try to show that anyone who proposes it can carry it out.

You collect the unusual adventures of many travellers.

What does this tribe have in common?

They are people with a desire for adventure and to see the world for whom one day the desire to travel without haste weighed more than to continue in a routine life that (normally) did not fill them.

For the rest, each one has her character, her tastes... they are as different as in any other group of people.

The only obstacle to making a great trip is yourself?

How is this?

Many people are scared to leave their jobs, they think that they don't have enough money or that something will happen to them or even that they can't do it because they are too old, have children or have a disability.

It is normal to have these doubts.

But many of those drawbacks can be circumvented.

In the book we explain how other travelers have done it.

In the end, almost everything is a matter of priorities, interests, what seems most important to us in life and how we approach it.

Travelers in Madagascar.

Itziar and Pablo assure that to prepare one of these trips it is good to have an idea of ​​the countries or regions you want to visit for issues such as visas, vaccinations, money, luggage, logistics... All in all,

improvisation is a key element in the long trips


"It is absurd to try to plan a trip of several months as one of several days. On the road many unforeseen events arise and they are not always bad: perhaps a city captivates you and instead of two days, you stay a week. There are thousands of examples that demonstrate that you have to be open to what the path offers".

Let's talk about money.

How much does it cost to travel like you?

It is much cheaper than many think.

On average, travelers participating in the book spent just over 700 euros per month.

Those who traveled by hitchhiking or bicycle even less, and those who traveled in their own vehicle, more.

But the cost of a long trip has nothing to do with that of a traditional vacation in which we do not want to deprive ourselves of anything.

A trip around the world can be done perfectly for 10,000 euros.

That's less than many cars are worth today.

In the end, as we said before, it is a matter of priorities.

What is the best thing about traveling by public transport like you did?

The interaction with the local population and contemplate what their day to day is like.

It also gives a lot of freedom: it does not require an initial investment, the logistics do not require too much preparation;

For example, if you get tired of one country, you take a flight to the next.

Plus, it's usually cheap.

But we like to change: in the last trips we have used a lot the bicycle, the motorcycle or the hitchhiking.

In the end, each means of transport offers totally different experiences.

Which continent is kinder to the solo traveler?

Surely Europe and Asia, especially Southeast Asia.

Traveling in both areas is easy and safe, they are used to tourism and there is a good level of services.

They are also continents where there are many people who travel alone and, for those who feel like it, it is easy to meet other people.

Can you return to normal life after such a trip?

Yes, of course, but it depends on how you approach the return: if you have a job or a project to carry out, or if you have to reinvent yourself, which is not always easy.

There are very different experiences, but for many people it can be the hardest part, because when you are on a long trip you experience a freedom and live with an intensity, that when you return to the routine, returning "to the same" can cost, because one has changed by everything lived more than you think.

Are you still surprised by the travel stories you hear?

Yes, of course!

There are a thousand anecdotes and experiences that make each trip unique.

We always like to hear a well-told travel story.

In the days of the great trips, in the podcasts or in the book, when we interviewed the different protagonists, there were moments when we said "did that really happen to you? What madness!".

As travel lovers, it is not difficult for us to put ourselves in the shoes of the other and we love to listen to anecdotes (and, also, to tell our own).

Travelers on three tracks:

A moment imprinted in memory

: Contemplate the great migration of animals in the Serengeti (Tanzania).

A place you would like to return to

: Bali (Indonesia) and Nepal.

Your next destination:

Probably a short boat trip together, to see if we like it;

and one by bike through Iceland and Tajikistan (Pablo);

Itziar is looking forward to returning to Zimbabwe, although he is not sure when he will be able to do so.

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