friendly space

the light

Amal El Minshawi


26 May 2022

An eternal world of imagination, magic and beauty, and bright images like a pharaonic inscription that cannot be erased or forgotten... It carries a past fragrant with the scent of gori and a future that flaunts the past with astonishment and wonder.

He plucks our conscience as tenderly as a merciful father or a caring mother;

So we sit with him for hours without boredom, containing among his sides the stories of children, the wishes of young women, the pain of lovers and the delinquencies of poets.. We hide dreams and small leaves that drip with love and tenderness, and we entrust him with secrets, longings and remnants of memories.

It enlightens minds with knowledge, opens unknown worlds, fights ignorance, preserves our history and the titles of our days as a faithful servant who made a covenant of loyalty, and swore to stay beside us as long as life kept us.

He forgives neglect, abandonment and neglect, he is satisfied with the least interest, he welcomes our return and our arrival without blame or reproach, he accompanies us in travel and travel, and relieves the harshness of days and alienation.

A person who is loyal in loneliness, a friend who does not betray, a comforter that accommodates worries, an outlet for aches, and a great restorer of breaks and stumbles.

It is the book, a divine light and a divine emanation whose title and eternal message is “Read,” and its open secret is that spirit that flows between our ribs, transcends us, and refines the morals of human beings at all times.

A light that removes the darkness of the soul, opens doors to hope and goodness, dispels the darkness of ignorance and the burden of poverty.. A light that fills the soul with radiance and joy, pulling us out of loneliness and failure and bringing us back to the path no matter how lost the steps are.

Light floods the face, clears the mind, changes ways of thinking, changes our view and dealing with people and things around us for the better, and creates people of good character from us.

Nour refines experiences and skills, and adds to our capabilities, capabilities and distinction, so that we become more able to manage time and effort.

Reading a book has become a great challenge in light of the condition of voluntary families in which we all live, when we confine ourselves to ourselves, and shorten our entire life on a deaf screen that blurs our sense of what is around us, and who is with us before our eyes weaken.

We need to awaken our senses and our ears to receive the light of the “Kitab” again. We need to extract the minds of our children and their future from the cocoons of imaginary social communication, and instill in them a love of reading, learning, and real contact with life and people around them, and enjoying the beauty of the universe.

The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair is a great opportunity and an open invitation to all to restore the light of the book in the souls, and revive the joy of returning to it every evening to resume reading, an opportunity to meet the heroes of stories and princesses of legends and imagination on pages that do not cease to give fun, surprise and imagination to all generations.

The Abu Dhabi exhibition is a great opportunity and an open invitation to all to restore the light of the book in the soul, and to revive the joy of returning to it every evening to resume reading.


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