Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency .. Craving some foods may be a sign

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be slow or rapid.

This can make warning signs difficult to spot.

However, some experts have shared an important fact that your body may also sound alarm bells by making you crave certain foods.

It is essential that vitamin B12 deficiency is detected quickly so that you can begin treatment.

Otherwise, you may risk developing irreversible damage. Aside from the classic symptoms associated with this condition, your food choices can also contain clues.

And according to a report published in the British newspaper "Express", when you have a deficiency of vitamin B12, your body craves the nutrients it lacks to let you know that you need more of this substance for optimal body function.

In this case, your body can crave foods that contain vitamin B12, such as milk, salmon, egg yolks, tuna, chicken and other meats, and these are all good sources of this vitamin.

Although cravings for certain foods may indicate a hidden B12 deficiency, you should also watch out for symptoms mentioned by the NHS including depression, pale skin, sore or red tongue, mouth sores, tingling, changes in the way you walk and blurred vision. A decline in mental abilities such as memory, understanding and judgment, and the longer the condition remains untreated, the greater the chance of permanent damage.

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