Africa Archives

Barthélémy Boganda at the Palais Bourbon (3&4)

Barthélémy Boganda at Le Bourget airport in 1958, with his wife Michèle and their three children.

From left to right: Bertrand, Agnès (in the middle) and Catherine DR

By: Alain Foka Follow

Thanks to the Brazzaville conference organized by General de Gaulle in 1944 to show his gratitude to the colonized Africans, to the territories of French Equatorial Africa (AEF) which enabled him to raise his first army, Abbé Barthélémy Boganda will return to the French National Assembly in 1946. He thus becomes the first indigenous deputy.


But while the Parliament must rebuild everything and give France a new shine, Barthélémy Boganda has set other priorities: end of forced labor, abolition of the indigénat regime, equality between whites and blacks...  


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