Louise Bernard, with Alexis Patri 11:51 a.m., May 18, 2022, modified at 11:51 a.m., May 18, 2022

The National Union of Journalists (SNJ) of France 3 expressed, in a press release, its anger about the broadcasting times of the political debates for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19.

The journalists denounce a failure in the "mission of information" of the public service.

"At France 3, only insomniacs have the right to debates".

The formula is signed by the National Union of Journalists (SNJ) of France 3. It publishes a press release in which it expresses its anger at the broadcasting times of the debates of the legislative elections.

The first of three political evenings takes place on Wednesday evening, in the second part of the evening.

The ballots for the two rounds take place on Sundays 12 and 19 June.

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Extended hours after the publication of the SNJ press release

The debates are therefore broadcast at times that are too late for the SNJ.

They will begin Wednesday at 11:15 p.m.

The same times were originally planned for the next two debate evenings, which will take place on May 25 and June 1.

These schedules went against the “information mission” of the public service, according to the press release from the SNJ.

The union called for "respect for citizens who always pay a fee to claim full information and above all at a decent hour". 

Following the publication of this press release, France Télévisions finally decided to bring forward the debates of May 25 and June 1 to 5:50 p.m. for the first and to 11 p.m. for the second.

France 3 will organize between May 8 and the evening of the second round of the legislative elections more than 300 programs, including 280 debates, for the 577 legislative constituencies of France.