The political arbitrariness in the use of power by the President of the Government could cause

almost incalculable damage, due to its overwhelming amount, in the coffers of the State


It is one of the possible economic consequences of the despotism with which Pedro Sánchez articulated at the beginning of the pandemic the confinement that he imposed during the state of alarm,


declared unconstitutional by the courts.

As we reported today,

the State will have to face in the courts

millionaire bosses

of companies that claim compensation for the damages suffered in the face of a decision that did not have the legal umbrella necessary to adopt it.

Let us remember that the Government illegally confined us, limiting fundamental rights without activating the appropriate mechanism for it because, if so, it would have entailed greater parliamentary control over Sánchez's action.

Moncloa, aware of such effects, had other plans:

run unattended


With this arrogance, on the other hand exhibited throughout the mandate of this coalition, the economic activity throughout the country was curtailed without legal cover.

As we explained at the time, it is not a question of discussing whether or not confinement was the best measure to adopt, what it was about was governing in accordance with the rule of law that protects us.

But all arbitrariness ends up passing a large bill and the companies that during that period of time had to remain closed without the possibility of obtaining income have claimed millions in compensation from the Administration.

It is fenced

loss of profit

, that is to say, what they stopped winning due to a decision that the Constitutional Court - too late, an issue that is not trivial - would end up censoring.

Although it is the Justice that must measure the possible course of these claims, the billions that are on the table -and which the public accounts could not face- highlight

the irresponsibility with which the Government has acted.

It is not expected that a good number of claims will prosper.

The emergency and exceptional situation suffered

it can be an argument that drops several claims


The declaration of unconstitutionality of the state of alarm does not presuppose the obligation of reparation by the State, since these are measures that all citizens have the duty to support.

And a minimum technical error will throw any argument to the ground.

This does not imply either that all demand will fall on deaf ears, because let's not forget that there are companies that suffered much more from the consequences of the stoppage.

They are those that

they were unable to remain active through telecommuting


Beyond the requirement of the patrimonial responsibility of the Administration, it is also worth noting the enormous litigation originated.


once again it is up to the Justice to act before the arbitrariness of the Government


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