5 minutes



Alaa Jarrad


May 11 2022

Have you ever thought about the importance of gratitude or Gratitude? The index site collects several definitions of gratitude, including the Harvard Medical School definition that gratitude is an appreciation for something tangible or intangible, that pushes people to realize the good in their lives, and leads them to connect with what is greater than themselves, and I imagine that what is meant here is to realize the greatness of the Creator and the greatness of the universe in which we live, and gratitude is a comprehensive state of appreciation and thanksgiving for what is valuable and meaningful to the soul, and it is an emotion that the individual feels when he obtains valuable and unexpected benefits, as this social emotion makes us show our awareness for the actions of others towards us.

Gratitude is a reaction or form of appreciation when receiving an unexpected gift, a virtue and a positive emotion, that brings happiness and benefits to the grateful person himself before it benefits the person for whom we are grateful.

Gratitude, in the first and last place, must be for God Almighty, the Creator of the universes and the bestower of blessings upon us all, regardless of our different religions and beliefs, and our different actions and values. We have to think always, but every day, about the blessings of God upon us, of health, wellness, sustenance, money, children, sight, hearing, and all the senses, and the blessing of choosing in itself is that God has blessed us to choose which of the two people to follow.Gratitude can be towards the homeland that contained us and gave us growth, security and safety and the shape of our conscience, as well as gratitude to our workplace, which provided us with opportunities for development and advancement. Personally, I am still grateful for one of the institutions that I worked in from 2003 to 2006 until this day. Its leadership is to apply what I have learned in terms of quality, and even to reward me for every work I have done is a material and moral reward, and I still owe it despite its merger in another institution and its absence now.

Gratitude is also to those who have taught us, our teachers, mentors, friends, and everyone who has taught us something, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Among the most important of those we must show our gratitude towards is our parents who did not spare any effort or energy to make us better than them, and gratitude to a partner or life partner for bearing difficulties with us and overlooking our mistakes and shortcomings, and even redressing them and always showing us in the best way, and gratitude includes our children the adornment of our lives, as well as our friends Our neighbors and everyone who helped us and put a smile on our lips.

The results of a study conducted by McCarty and colleagues (1998) on people who were taught how to develop a feeling and express gratitude, showed that these people had lower levels of stress, and for a week, the participants were asked to write a letter of gratitude to someone who showed kindness towards them, but did not thank him enough And delivered to him personally, the results showed that those who wrote these letters felt happier for a month afterward.

• Gratitude is a reaction or form of appreciation when receiving an unexpected gift.



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