This year marks the 23rd anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia.

  In 1999, at 11:45 p.m. Belgrade time on May 7 (5:45 a.m. Beijing time on the 8th), NATO led by the United States brazenly attacked the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia with missiles. More than 20 Chinese embassy personnel were injured, 48 years old Xinhua News Agency female reporter Shao Yunhuan, 31-year-old Guangming Daily reporter Xu Xinghu and his 28-year-old wife Zhu Ying died.

  The blood debt owed by NATO will never be forgotten by the Chinese.

  Today, please join us in our deep memory of the three Chinese martyrs.

In memory of the martyrs, our generation is self-improvement!

(Produced by Zhou Jing)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]