Recently, when the staff of the Wanglang Area of ​​Giant Panda National Park were collecting and sorting out infrared camera data, they found a picture of a giant panda mother with her cubs.

  In the picture, the mother giant panda takes the cub in front of the fir tree, and teaches the cubs smell marks and identification methods by simulating sniffing and chewing on the trunk of the tree, and then the cub follows the mother panda in the same position to make similar action.

  It is understood that giant panda cubs usually leave their mothers to live alone at about 1.5 to 2 years old. During the period when mother and child live together, giant panda mothers will take the cubs to learn various survival skills and lay the foundation for the cubs to live alone.

(Yang Yong produced Chen Xuanbin's video source Wang Lang National Nature Reserve)

Responsible editor: [Li Yuxin]