At the beginning of summer, the climate is warmer and hotter, and fresh fruits and vegetables are on the market. There is a folk festival and folk saying: "Let's try the three fresh foods in the beginning of summer." It is cherry, green plum, toon head.

Among the "six freshness", we know more about the nutritional value and therapeutic effects of broad beans, cherries and toon heads, so what are the effects of amaranth, pea cakes and green plums?

Wang Dongxu and Xia Gongxu, experts from Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, gave answers.

  There are differences in the therapeutic effects of red amaranth and white amaranth

  Attentive readers and friends may find that some of the amaranth sold in the market are very red, some are green, and the roots are not red, but white.

  Wang Dongxu said that red amaranth can expel congestion, so patients with congestion can eat more in moderation.

White amaranth (roots with white leaves and green leaves) can regulate Qi, and patients with phlegm, especially hot phlegm, can eat more.

In general, people with constipation can eat some to help with bowel movements.

To prevent atherosclerosis, people who are afraid of high blood lipids should eat more red amaranth.

  Wang Dongxu reminded that red amaranth has the effect of breaking blood, and it is easy for pregnant women to eat. Pregnant women should try not to eat more.

  Green plum promotes fluid, quenches thirst, appetizers and relieves depression

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raw green plum can produce body fluid and quench thirst, appetize and relieve depression, salted green plum can relieve heat and dispel wind and cold, and dried black plum has the effect of curing lung-qi dryness, cough, typhoid fever, diarrhea, asthenia, alcohol poisoning and stomach hiccups, etc. green plum juice Can assist in the treatment of enteritis and dysentery.

For patients with lung deficiency and chronic cough, deficiency and heat polydipsia, chronic diarrhea, chronic malaria, dysentery, ascaris abdominal pain, etc., green plums should be eaten.

  Xia Gongxu said that those with excessive stomach acid should use plums with caution.

Chinese medicine believes that "acidity leads to convergence", plums are sour, and those with stagnation of dampness and heat should not eat more.

In addition, eating more plums is bad for your teeth.

  Pea cake tonic for qi

  Xia Gongxu told reporters that Chinese medicine believes that peas are sweet and flat in nature, and have the effects of nourishing the qi, reconciling the yin and wei, clearing the urine, dispelling carbuncles and dispersing swelling.

Indications of carbuncle, milk obstruction, spleen and stomach discomfort, hiccups and vomiting, confidant pain, thirst and diarrhea embolism.

  Peas are rich in crude fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation symptoms. They contain high-quality protein, which can enhance immunity, improve disease resistance and recovery ability.

Correspondent Yang Pu

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News trainee reporter Lv Yanlin