On May 2, during the May Day holiday, Ms. Kang, a citizen of Nanchang, was pleasantly surprised to find that two bird eggs in the flowerpot on the flower stand outside her balcony window had hatched and turned into two cute bird "babies".

It turned out that a few days ago, Ms. Kang accidentally found a "bead-necked turtledove" squatting among the flowers and plants, and there were two eggs in the bird's nest under her after flying away.

  Ms. Kang, who has never observed the hatching process of the birds so closely, was overjoyed. In order to facilitate the feeding of the mother bird, they also put a little rice and corn next to it. trying to protect its baby.

Moved by this warmth, Ms. Kang also recorded the "Little Turtledove Growth Show" every day and shared this beauty from the late spring and early summer with her friends.

(Reporter Jiang Tao)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]