It was in Ekot's Saturday interview last week that Ebba Busch made several notable statements about the so-called Easter riots.

- So we have at least 100 injured police officers and the big question that should be asked now is: why do we not have at least 100 injured Islamists, 100 injured criminals, 100 injured insurgents, the KD leader said in the interview.

The statement has received criticism from several quarters and on Saturday, Aller Media, which owns Elle, announced that it had withdrawn Busch's invitation to the fashion party Ellegalan.

Elle: Was our decision

In social media, it has since been speculated whether it was the media profile Karin Kakan Hermansson, conference speaker for this year's Ellegala, who demanded that the KD leader be ported.

Jennie Knutsson, communications manager at Aller media, rejected the information.

"The decision was made by Elle's editorial staff," she wrote to SVT on Saturday.

Now Elle's editor-in-chief Cia Jansson goes out and makes the decision.

"First of all, I want to emphasize that it was Elle's decision and no one else's.

Elle's values ​​stand for diversity and against violence and the decision was made after the heavily criticized statement from the party leader last weekend.

There were no conferences that made the decision or influenced the decision, it is a media duck ", she writes in an email to Dagens media.

When asked how the newspaper reasoned about the decision to port Ebba Busch, she answers:

- We protect freedom of expression, but we also want to be clear that we are against violence and it was against that background that the decision was made.