America is remaking Europe.

First, a bulldozer.

Then - a skating rink.

European masses will be beaten with a mixer to the state of a healthy smoothie for American health.

And they will season it with migrants to taste - now from Ukraine.

The US does not need the leaders of Europe, does not need Germany as a European leader.

Never needed.

And now the moment has come when you can finally put an end to Germany, and at the same time to the whole of Europe.

Europe no longer needs a leader - the United States has become this leader.

Irrevocably and definitively.

At least, the United States itself, as well as all their cadres in the positions of presidents and ministers of European countries, pocket parties and movements, think so.

The British knew ahead of time that this was what would happen to Europe, and they voted to leave the EU back in 2016 with a truly Herculean effort.

To Europeans, this step seemed insane - what losses do people doom themselves to.

They had no idea about their upcoming losses.

But the British had.

This American Europe believes that the Russians are threatening it with "energy weapons".

And at the same time, he considers Russia "sitting on a gas / oil / raw material needle."

In fact, the one who injects is sitting on the needle.

It breaks him.

And the one who sells gets rich, not sits.

However, this is no longer so important.

That's when you have to change from the Russian needle to the American one, then the United States will not only enrich itself at the expense of Europe, not only tear three skins from it - as it deserves.

Yes, yes, he deserves it.

And who strangled freedom?

From whom did the American Founding Fathers have to flee to the New World?

And endure so many hardships?

But now - when the energy will be all from the USA - now Europe will actually know what an energy weapon is when it is in the right hands.

Germany was already the leader of Europe under Adolf Hitler, who turned out to be uncontrollable and ruined everything.

So much so that we had to wait 70 years to be able to pick up where we left off last time.

But now it's different.

What is Nazism?

Where is the mustache?

And bangs?

And the Jews are all safe and sound.

Because it's not about them.

It has always been about the Russians.

Europe under the leadership of the USA, Germany under the leadership of the USA, Ukraine under the leadership of the USA - this is no longer Nazism, but a bright democratic world, going to destroy the ancient Russian evil, born back in damned Byzantium.

Why cursed?

Yes, the name alone is worth it.

A good country will not be called Byzantium.

And then - everyone knows it.

No need for details, it's a long time ago.

And the Russians - here they are: with raw materials, with industry, of which there is more and more.

With weapons and, apparently, already military superiority.

Procrastination is like death.

With living Russians, China cannot be mastered.

And without the Russians, the Chinese will still think.

Yes, we counted on a peace treaty in Istanbul, because it was humane, mutually beneficial and fair and would save many lives.

And, most importantly, the Kyiv elite was ready to sign it.

It was real, not a utopia.

But then Britain and America intervened.

They were forced to intervene.

It turned out that this world is unacceptable for them.

We have lost the contract.

Well, the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was also violated.

And not by us.

Diplomats try to gain time, but this does not always work.

Nothing is free.

Now the United States and the United Kingdom are forced to openly lead Ukraine's war against Russia.

And Europe is to openly support them.

And the whole world will look at this, which is not at all reduced to the sum of Anglo-Saxons and Europeans.

Now it's not Hitler who will ruin everything.

There will be no one to hide.

The US and all the rest of the "British People" will ruin everything for themselves.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.