Guest Africa

Death penalty: "The African continent is in the abolitionist movement"

Audio 04:02

An Amnesty International poster against the death penalty.

© Amnesty International

By: Pierre Firtion Follow

Like Sierra Leone, Chad or Burkina Faso, six countries have abolished the death penalty in recent years.

Today, 23 states on the continent have removed it from their legislation.

What prompted these countries to act in this way?

Who are those who, conversely, still resort to the death penalty?

Paul Angaman, president of the International Federation of Acat (Fiacat), Christian Actions for the Abolition of Torture, is the guest of RFI.

  • Justice

  • Human rights

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Sierra Leone officially abolishes the death penalty

Guest Africa

Xaviere Prugnard (FIACAT): "Only 15 countries still maintain the death penalty in Africa"