Kristian Lundberg made his debut in 1991 with the book "Through September", but the big breakthrough came in 2009 with "Yarden" which was filmed in 2012.

The partly autobiographical novel is about the author Kristian Lundberg who takes a job in the port of Malmö to become debt-free.

It became important as an early description of a new and harder working life.

He wrote poetry, prose and detective stories, a total of 40 titles.


Kristian Lundberg was one of the members of the poetry group Malmöligan, which also consisted of Clemens Altgård, Per Linde, Lukas Moodysson, Håkan Sandell and Martti Soutkari.

His collection of poems Job was nominated for the August Prize in 2005 and he has also been awarded Ivar Lo-Johansson's personal prize, Sydsvenska Dagbladet's culture prize, the literature prize in memory of Pär Lagerkvist, the Aniara prize and the Swedish Radio novel prize, writes his publisher Bladh by Bladh.

His latest book was "Songs at the Abyss" came out in 2021 and is about addiction and substance abuse.

The text is updated.