In October last year, famous Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin had a serious accident while filming the film "RUST" starring and producing in New Mexico, USA.

At that time, he used a prop gun to rehearse for an audition, and the prop gun went off, resulting in the death of photographer Halina Hutchins and the serious injury of director Joel Souza.

There have been new developments in this matter recently. Alec Baldwin posted a lawyer's statement on his personal social account, revealing that he was found not guilty.

  Alec Baldwin's lawyer's statement mentioned that the New Mexico State Occupational Health and Safety Investigation Bureau conducted an investigation into the "manslaughter" incident on the set of "RUST" last October and found that Alec Baldwin did think that the gun was in it. It is a fake bullet. As a producer, he only has the right to change the script and casting, and has no management rights for other matters, so Alec Baldwin is exempted from responsibility.

  Alec Baldwin has been in the industry for more than 30 years, and has made dozens of Hollywood blockbusters such as "Notting Hill" and "The Departed", and has been nominated for the Oscar and the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.

After the "manslaughter" incident, Alec Baldwin insisted that he never pulled the trigger and that the gun suddenly went off.

  "Someone put real bullets in the cylinder, there shouldn't be real bullets in the cylinder. Someone is responsible for this, I can't say who it is, but it's definitely not me!" Baldwin stressed, "I was turning the revolver. , then released the hammer, at which point the gun went off (he didn't pull the trigger)."

  It is worth mentioning that the revolver in the movie "RUST" adopts an external hammer design. Compared with the modern internal hammer design, the external hammer has many disadvantages: especially the single-action There is no blocking mechanism between the hammer and the firing pin, which can cause accidental misfires if the hammer is knocked.

Today's pistols basically have a built-in safety mechanism that prevents the hammer from touching the firing pin if the trigger is not pulled.

  As for why he pointed the revolver at the photographer, Baldwin explained that the photographer, Halina Hutchins, was adjusting the angle of the lens at the time, and he pointed the gun at her at the photographer's request. "She asked me to point the gun at a certain In one direction, I did, just pointing to her underarm area."

  Because of the incident, 200 Hollywood film and television photographers signed a statement calling on unions, film and television producers and lawmakers to take immediate action to ban the use of real guns and live ammunition for filming on film sets.

"We hope not to expose ourselves and our crew to such an unnecessarily lethal situation," the statement said, adding that non-usable firearms and special effects could be used instead of the available firearms during filming.

The statement said that this tragedy cannot be ignored. "We will not wait for the industry to change, and we have a responsibility to influence the change in the industry by ourselves."

  (Shao Ziheng)