[SBS Entertainment News |

[editor Jeon Min-jae] Rapper Swings suffered from fraudulent use of credit card after losing his wallet.

Early today (26th), Swings posted on his SNS, "About an hour ago, a creepy and scary thing happened."

He explained the situation by saying, "Someone paid about 4,623,000 won at a clothing company online at 12:31 pm with my corporate card."

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Swings also reported that yesterday (25th), he lost his wallet at a cafe during the day, and recovered the wallet that the cafe had stored around 6 pm.

However, today (26th) around 1 am, the credit card company suspected of using Swings' corporate card illegally called Swings, and Swings was informed of the damage and payment status of the corporate card at that time.

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Swings also disclosed the stolen card payment history.

At 12:27 am on the 26th, about 8.36 million won and 5.88 million won were tried in order, but the payment was canceled because the limit was exceeded, and 4.62 million won was processed normally at 12:31.

Swings, who confirmed this, explained, "To check the limit, I first bought a high price, lowered it slowly, and then approved. Then I failed to buy another slightly cheaper one at the end."

The merchant attempted to pay is an online shopping mall that offers luxury boutiques and department stores around the world.

Swings finally warned, "You catch me. Everyone, take care of your wallet. It's ugly."

(Picture = Swings Instagram)

(SBS Substar) 

(SBS Entertainment News Editor Jeon Min-jae)