How an American family lived an entire winter with five monsters without knowing

It never occurred to an American family that the nearby and unfamiliar sounds were of five wild bears living with them in the same house.

The family in California ignored the quiet sounds of snoring all winter, without knowing their owners' identity, only to discover with the coming of spring that it was the sounds of five great wild bears who spent the cold season hibernating under their house.

Bear League, which works to conserve native bear habitats around the state's Lake Tahoe Basin region, recounted what happened to the family last week.

The group describes how the family in Lake Tahoe heard "strange grunting sounds" but ignored them before finally realizing it was a pack of bears.

In a Facebook post, the group described how one mother bear, along with four of her cubs, decided to spend the winter in the basement under a local house.

According to the newspaper "The Guardian".

"It was a house where people lived, and they thought they heard some strange snoring-like rumbling, but they ignored it simply because it didn't make sense..."

"The bear family woke up and got ready to go out, and the people in the house could no longer deny that there were bears under the house," she added.

The residents then called on the Bear League, which helped get the bear family into the woods, as well as making sure the residents in the house weren't harmed either.

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