It's everything.

"The main 'ingredient' of our skin, our bones (70%), collagen also accounts

for 30% of the proteins in our body and 80% of the connective tissue

", explains María Amaro, specialist in nutrition and creator of the Amaro Method.

Having good levels of collagen is essential because "it will provide

firmness, elasticity and sustainability

to the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Its presence is essential to take care of joints, hair and nails".

Its mission in our body is much more than what is seen from the outside (which seems to be what matters most to us).

"Accrediting low levels of collagen not only manifests itself externally in the form of

wrinkles and sagging,

but -what is more important- it also

affects our health,

causing, among other things, a

loss of bone mass

with all that this implies: pain, limitation of mobility, breakage, etc".

As much as the idea scares us, "from the age of 25, we begin to lose around 1.5 and 2% of collagen per year. That is, when we reach 50, production is reduced by 30% Amaro warns us.

It is clear that we cannot stop the progress of this natural process, but what factors influence the rate of destruction to be greater?

It is already known: " Excessive

sun exposure

or without sun protection,







lack of exercise


poor diet

. In other words, we can slow down its progress by adopting a

healthy lifestyle


And, just as it undermines our health, "a diet rich in

refined sugars

and poor in protein, vitamins, and amino acids will obviously accelerate that loss."

Not getting enough sleep is another of the determining factors because, during the hours of rest, it is "when

protein synthesis


, together with the rest of the renewal processes that our body needs to be well, that favor

restful sleep


As much as we try to take shortcuts, supposedly faster and easier (but of dubious effectiveness), food is everything, although, "unfortunately, due to the diet we currently follow, we

only absorb 1% of collagen


Why is this happening?

"Because collagen is made up of

large and complex molecules that are very difficult to absorb by the digestive system

and the skin, so most of it is going to be expelled through feces or urine."


What are the foods rich in collagen?

"Basically, those that we do not usually include in our usual diet:

meat and fish broths; pig's trotters and tripe

, to give an example. But I, above all, recommend gelatin, which, in addition to being rich in collagen and protein, It's very satiating."

What is the secret to

improve its absorption



Vitamin C

is what is really going to help us assimilate it. Where is it? In fruits and vegetables but, above all, in


. The problem is that we don't consume it as much as we should and that, to take advantage of all its benefits, we have to

cook it very little or eat it raw


They will also help us a lot in this mission of reviving our levels of

vitamin C

and also


(which helps us activate the formation of collagen naturally), "

dark green leafy vegetables

, peppers, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower" .

Citrus fruits are another safe value: "

Kiwi, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, currants, grapes, blackberries, figs and blueberries

are also powerful sources of vitamin C. I love


because, in addition to providing a lot of vitamin C, it has papain that helps naturally soothe digestive problems".

Yes, finally, we decided to look for an 'extra help' in the


, although Amaro is not too much in favor of it, this nutrition specialist recommends "

starting, from the age of 40, with a teaspoon of coffee

(approximately 5 grams )


to gradually increase".

There is no toxic dose, because it is eliminated.

The result is not immediate.

It takes about three months to start experiencing the effects on your skin and nails."

Amaro concludes with a hopeful message.

"Aging does not destroy collagen, but rather causes it to be produced in less quantity and poorer quality. For this reason, it is essential that we take care of ourselves from the inside. Less creams and a healthier life!"

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  • nutrition

  • beauty