Study: This is what happens to you if you only use your smartphone for an hour

A recent study revealed that reducing smartphone use to just one hour a day makes one less anxious, more satisfied with life, and more likely to exercise.

The researchers in this study did not require giving up the smartphone completely to feel this, but they discovered that reducing its daily use has positive effects on human well-being, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail” website.

The researchers conducted the study on 619 people and divided them into three groups. A group of 200 people put their smartphones aside for the course of the week, 226 reduced the time they used the device by one hour per day, and 193 people did not change anything in their behavior.

Dr Julia Bryullovskaya said: 'We found that completely giving up a smartphone and reducing daily use by one hour had positive effects on participants' lifestyle and well-being. about using a smartphone.

On average, people spend more than three hours a day glued to their smartphone screens, whether to search Google pages or Google Maps, check emails or the weather, shop, catch up on news, watch movies, or post and comment on social media.

But, according to Dr. Bryullovskaya, these habits are "a blessing and a curse at the same time."

The researchers interviewed all participants about their lifestyle habits and well-being immediately one and four months after the experiment, including how much they participated in physical activity, how many cigarettes they smoked per day, how satisfied the person was with their life, and whether they showed any signs of stress or anxiety. Depression.

The results reported that the week-long experiment led to a long-term change in participants' using habits, even four months after the experiment ended. Members of the completely phone-free group used their devices an average of 38 minutes less per day than before.

The group, who spent one hour less per day with the smartphone during the experiment, continued to use 45 fewer minutes per day after four months compared to pre-trial rates.

At the same time, life satisfaction and time spent in physical activity increased, while symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as nicotine consumption, decreased.

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