Which is better... the distribution of zakat within the country in which I live or my country of origin?

Which is better... the distribution of zakat within the country in which I live or my country of origin?

In the attached video clip, the answer of the Grand Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department of the Department of Islamic Affairs in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad.

To watch the video, click the link.

Which is better... the distribution of zakat within the country in which I live or my country of origin?

In the attached video clip, the answer of the Grand Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department of the Department of Islamic Affairs in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad.

# Emirates_ Today # Ramadan # Ramadan_Kareem pic.twitter.com/tknWUtHk5b

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) April 22, 2022