Spring health care is closely related to diet. Let’s take a look at 3 spring health dishes that are recommended in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine.

  "primula" shepherd's purse

  Shepherd's purse, also known as Dicai and Didingcai, is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It enters the liver, lung and spleen meridians.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that shepherd's purse as medicine has good curative effect on dysentery, edema, stranguria, hematemesis, hematuria, menorrhagia, red eyes, swelling and pain.

  Shepherd's purse is rich in minerals and vitamins, and is suitable for stir-frying, soup, salad or stuffing dumplings.

  【Recommended Recipe】Shepherd's Purse Tofu Soup

  Materials: appropriate amount of shepherd's purse, one piece of tofu, one egg, salt, chicken essence, pepper, and sesame oil.

  Blanch the washed shepherd's purse in cold water and dry the water, dice the tofu and blanch, and beat the eggs into egg liquid for later use.

Add water and diced tofu to the pot, bring to a boil, then change to medium heat, then add shepherd's purse, egg liquid, and seasonings such as salt, chicken essence, pepper, cook for a while, turn off the heat, drizzle with sesame oil and serve.

  "Detox Vegetable" Dandelion

  Dandelion, also known as mother-in-law Ding, Huang Hua Di Ding, is sweet and cold in nature, has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and stasis, diuretic and laxative, and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for mastitis, sore throat, boils and swollen toxins and other diseases.

Modern research also points out that dandelion is good for promoting gastrointestinal motility because of its high dietary fiber content.

  There are many ways to eat dandelion. Before blooming, you can harvest its tender buds, scald them with boiling water, and then mix them with cold. You can also cook soup, stir-fry, and make stuffing.

However, it should be noted that people with weak spleen and stomach and people who are prone to allergies should take it with caution.

  【Recommended Recipe】Dandelion Cake

  Materials: dandelion, appropriate amount of flour.

  Boil the washed dandelions and chop them up.

Add water and chopped dandelion to the flour and knead to form a dough. Set aside.

Add some cooking oil to the pan, flatten the dough and fry until golden brown on both sides.

  "Liver Protection Dish" Yin Chen

  Yinchen, also known as Baihao, is bitter and pungent in taste, and belongs to the spleen and stomach, liver and gallbladder meridians, and has the effects of clearing away heat and removing dampness, detoxifying and removing jaundice.

Modern pharmacological research Yinchen's main chemical components are coumarin, flavonoids, organic acids, volatile oils and other components, which have antipyretic and analgesic, antiviral, blood pressure regulation, blood lipid lowering and other effects.

Because Yinchen is bitter and cold, people with weak spleen and stomach should use it with caution.

  【Recommended Recipe】Cold Salad

  Material: 250 grams of young stems and leaves of Yin Chen, appropriate amount of sugar and sesame oil.

  Wash the Yin Chen to remove impurities, blanch the water and remove it, chop it up and put it on a plate, then add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, and sesame oil and mix well.

  Of course, the delicious taste of spring is not only the three kinds of vegetables above, but it is important to eat more fresh vegetables in accordance with the four seasons.

I would also like to remind everyone here that many people have the habit of digging and eating wild vegetables in spring. Be careful not to eat wild vegetables of unknown origin to avoid accidents such as poisoning.

Moreover, most of the wild vegetables are bitter and cold, which can easily hurt the spleen and stomach while clearing heat and detoxifying.

  Manor Li Xin (Author: Beijing Drum Tower Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)