After finally accepting the installation of a Linky meter, not without reluctance, at their home located in Simandre (Saône-et-Loire), a couple had the unpleasant surprise of discovering a substantial electricity consumption, to say the least.

In one year, it has increased from 6,212 kWh to 478,244 kWh for an estimated amount of 289,772.93 euros since the last invoice paid, reports

Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire


It was by consulting their consumption out of curiosity via a dedicated application, on April 10, that the couple discovered what looked like an anomaly.

“Our heating is not electric, but wood-fired, and there are two fewer people in the house compared to last year.

It is difficult to understand, ”explained these inhabitants to our colleagues.

Enedis tries to regularize the situation

Faced with this situation, they immediately contacted EDF to try to resolve the problem.

"The person I had confirmed to me that these figures were inconsistent, explaining to me that there was certainly a flow problem," said the couple's wife.

"After carrying out checks, Enedis established that the display problem noted by customers did not come from the data reported by the Linky meter", commented the company, questioned by



And to add: “Enedis is in contact with the electricity supplier who also carries out checks on his side before returning to customers to provide them with the clarifications necessary to regularize the situation.



Linky: The amount to be paid for customers who refuse the installation of the meter

The Linky meter at the origin of the house fire?

  • Company

  • Linky counter

  • electricity

  • Enedis