On Tuesday, April 19, the Russian dramedy Unreality directed by Anna Parmas, whose films The Story of One Destination and Let's Divorce!, was released on Premier and KION video services.

were awarded prizes at the Kinotavr festival.

Among the screenwriters is Ekaterina Sazonova, who worked on the popular films "Closed School" and "You all piss me off."

Starring Olga Dibtseva.

Her filmography includes such projects as Serf, The Last Minister, Mylodrama.

The main character is the star of the reality show "Dom-2" Rita.

She spent ten years on the project and was expelled for "toxicity".

The girl has to return to her native provincial town, where no one is happy for her - Rita has repeatedly publicly demonstrated disdain for her fellow countrymen, which did not go unnoticed by them.

In addition, everyone believes in the scandalous screen image of the heroine.

The father also does not want to see the girl and does not let her into the apartment, only her mother is ready to support her in any situation.

The plot of the series turned out to be rather mediocre and more puzzling than intriguing.

On a yellow Mustang, Rita comes to the province to find money - the amount changes several times and ranges from 200 to 300 thousand rubles. 

Already at this moment, several questions arise for the heroine (and for the screenwriters): why does the girl not guess to sell the car?

Where can the inhabitants of a provincial town have free hundreds of thousands of rubles?

And, finally, why has the TV star not monetized his fame in ten years?

The audience may have an assumption that Rita's arrival is due to the desire to see her long-abandoned daughter.

This would explain a lot, but for a long time the seemingly indifferent attitude of the main character towards the girl forces us to abandon the guess.

  • © Filming of the series "Unreality"

All these questions remain open, at least in the first four episodes.

However, it quickly becomes clear that the plot itself is rather arbitrary - it is needed to bring all other events into a single plot.

Just them "Unreality" and interesting.

In search of money, Rita constantly finds herself in a variety of funny, stupid, and sometimes dangerous situations.

All of them provide a good dynamic, thanks to which the narrative does not sag.

Action is constantly unfolding on the screen - from comical quarrels and scenes with blackmail, which even children practice, to chases and kidnappings.

Strengthen the intensity of passions and the relationship of the inhabitants of the town, where everyone knows each other, constantly collect gossip, and at the slightest disagreement they recall old conflicts.

The further you go, the more vivid and exciting the adventures of the heroine become.

Even the most acute situations are always served with positive and humor.

At the same time, there is no abundance of jokes as such in the series - the mood is created by Rita's attitude to what is happening and the invariably perky soundtrack.

The musical accompaniment of "Unreality" deserves special attention.

The action is accompanied by a variety of pop hits of the 1990s and 2000s - from Alice Mon to the Fabrika group.

At the same time, there are so many songs that at first they are sometimes annoying - in the first series it seems that the compositions replace each other without any logic.

Over time, there are fewer of them, and the sound begins to work to enhance the desired mood.

In one of the scenes, for example, Rita's life is in serious danger, but the viewer is easily made to understand that nothing terrible has happened - it is intuitively clear that the main character is unlikely to suffer greatly under the song "The Sea Calls".

  • © Filming of the series "Unreality"

A lot of attention in "Unreality" filmmakers paid the theme of family relationships, while not bringing it to the fore.

However, the tape takes on additional meaning and charm when the well-hidden feelings of the characters begin to emerge.

So, Rita, diligently demonstrating disinterest in the upbringing and life of her daughter, readily rushes to her defense, and then, easily and without moralizing, helps to solve problems with her peers.

The girl herself also treats her own mother coldly and does not want to see her, but in a difficult situation she prefers to turn to her.

The theme of the family is also reflected in Rita's relationship with her parents, who were brilliantly played by Inga Oboldina and Nikolai Fomenko.

Whatever their attitude towards their daughter, love in the end turns out to be stronger.

The series was a big breakthrough for Olga Dibtseva.

Despite the extensive filmography, which includes more than 70 films, it was in Unreality that the actress played one of her first major roles, and among the really notable projects, the first, and very accurately got into the image.

Rita from the first frames does not cause sympathy.

She behaves rudely, is constantly rude and frankly runs into problems.

With the development of the plot, her character does not get better, however, viewers can catch themselves thinking that over time they begin to empathize with the heroine, root for her and forgive all impudence and aggression.

This is partly due to the charm of the actress and her bright game, which makes it possible to endow even such a controversial character with charisma and life.

Despite the fact that the series "Unreality" is quite simple in its idea, the filmmakers managed to competently work out a simple plot and skillfully arrange dramatic hooks.

The result is an addictive project that, in addition to light pastime and good mood, offers viewers a fresh look at some topics and situations.