Héloise Goy with Gauthier Delomez 10:11 a.m., April 19, 2022

BFM TV invests the field of cryptocurrency with new appointments devoted to this virtual currency on BFM Business, the group's channel specializing in economic news.

At the microphone of Europe 1, the director general of the channel indicates that these programs will be aimed at both novices and enthusiasts.


A new meeting for all those curious about cryptocurrencies.

The BFM Business channel is launching a new program:

BFM crypto


By the end of 2022, more than one in ten French people will have invested in these virtual currencies.

So faced with this growing interest, the chain of the Altice group decided to strengthen its system in order to become the first media on crypto and blockchain.

"We have seen this development for several months. We have decided to accelerate strongly and create a brand, which will be integrated into the universe of BFM Business and also on digital", explains Arnaud de Courcelles, the general manager of the channel. , at the microphone of Europe 1.

 >> Find the media newspapers every morning at 9:10 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

Two great new appointments

Several appointments are planned on the antenna of BFM Business.

From Monday to Friday, Antoine Larigaudrie will present in the morning "Good Morning Business", a column on the highlight of the day in the world of crypto.

And at 4:35 p.m. precisely, Guillaume Sommerer will analyze web 3.0 news in depth on the

BFM Bourse

program .

The vocabulary of this crypto universe may seem complex or even obscure to some: there is the metaverse, NFTs and the blockchain.

The latter is a bit like a digital book that brings together all the transactions of a network, from the oldest to the most recent.

The two best known are Bitcoin and Ethereum.


- Cryptocurrencies: "They are not likely to disappear overnight"

For novices and enthusiasts

But with this complex vocabulary, are these new meetings around cryptocurrency also aimed at novices?

"The strength of BFM crypto is this ability to have the best experts in all fields (…) and to have this ability to take this new audience around crypto by the hand", replies Arnaud de Courcelles, which details the device.

"We offer education around cryptocurrency. On the air, we show the definition of the words we regularly use around crypto. We don't hesitate to always re-explain the basics of cryptocurrency (…). We also talk to experts, to people who are passionate about crypto. We have this connection between the two."

BFM Crypto

meetings can

be found this Tuesday on BFM Business and on the BFM TV website.

Podcasts and newsletters will be launched later this month.