• Lifestyle 50 is the new 50

By the time they hit 50, many women feel like they're splitting down the middle.

On the one hand, with the delay of motherhood, they still have small children to care for.

On the other hand, there are the parents, elderly and sometimes dependent.

In this scenario, the partner also takes its place, if it exists, work, friends... Many issues and people to take care of in the few 24 hours a day has.

What space is left for them, then?

Often little.

Sometimes none.

The crux of the matter is, according to Tania Martínez (León, 48 years old), who has just published

'50 behind my back and I don't give a damn'

(HarperCollins, 2022), in stopping along the way and "thinking about whether the life you have is the one you dreamed of and the one you deserve to live".

If you think you need a hole for yourself, this book offers

a method to find it.

The 50s, moreover, are years of hormonal, physical, emotional changes... They represent a journey towards a new stage that can and should be, given the increase in life expectancy, a

second youth.

Without going any further, the author, who studied Economics and Business Sciences and who is currently the general director of the

magazine Semana

, has rediscovered her interest in writing and with this book she is "fulfilling a dream."

Another proof that "it's never too late to do what you set out to do".

Tools to be happy

To rediscover your path and face this decade as a readjustment and not as a crisis, the author proposes to introduce decisive changes that affect health: abandon






with balance and, eye, learn to



Yes, it is a self-help book and includes a workbook at the end where we write black on white what life we ​​seek and how we are going to achieve it.

Self-care is one of the aspects on which Tania Martínez focuses, although there are two other reasons to follow her method: it

reflects many fears

and concerns that women experience in silence and it gives

guidelines for self-acceptance

, an essential starting point to take back the reins of your life.

How can a woman from the 'sandwich generation' find that niche for herself? The dynamics of life that we lead disconnect us so much from ourselves that we don't even know when we want to eat.

We are always running.

We are programmed to take care of others but we do not allow ourselves to take care of ourselves and if we stop for 10 minutes to have a coffee or get a massage,

we feel guilty


We have to stop for a second and realize what things we have stopped doing, like listening to music or reading, and what we want to recover.

Is it true that 50 is the new 40? Life expectancy has increased and now exceeds 80. Before, a 50-year-old woman was very old, but honestly, I don't see myself as bad.

We have gained many things, such as being able to enjoy life in a different way and it is true that we have

Another opportunity

, but you have to choose it.

Yes, 50 is the new 40, we are not going down, on the contrary, we have 30 more years left!

At this age, depending on the path you choose, some things or others will happen to you.

The mantra of looking for a second youth, isn't it a flight forward?

Don't we have to accept what we are? It's not about not accepting the passage of time, but about escaping from the routines and clichés that are expected of me as a mother and worker.

I'm supposed to be an adult, that I have to have everything in order, that I don't eat pizza on any given day... What I claim is not to go back to youth and be crazy, but to allow ourselves not to stagnate, to return to having hope and

the desire to eat the world

In the book he talks about escaping stress, sleeping better, breathing calmly... What can these habits do for us at 50? I lived in a vicious circle between exercise and diets and I couldn't do what I wanted.

From Monday to Friday I had some habits and then on the weekend... A doctor told me that my body was totally confused, without balance.

I started reading and realizing that I

had stress

and that, when that happens, your cells don't process food well because it paralyzes digestive, sexual and reproductive activity, cell regeneration... many wrinkles come from that, in fact.



is also essential.

If we do it through the nose, our body calms down and it is also necessary not to overbreathe: we do it about 12 or 13 times a minute and that is a lot, four or five is enough.

If we comply with it and we also do it without noise and lifting the belly, the body calms down.

The same thing happens with sleep: we do not respect circadian rhythms, we live disconnected from natural light and in the book I explain how to recover our cycles in just 21 days. He also talks about meditation as a way to take control of the mind.

Meditation is a form of gratitude and there are people who find it very helpful.

It is a way to stop the mind, to stop going a thousand miles an hour.

You have to find spaces to be calm and collect moments again.

Those who approach death recognize that they remember very simple things,

a sunrise or a hug


Instead, we've grown accustomed to seeking out other quick thrills and rewards, like buying a skirt or a beer.

That gives you a certain high, but nothing more.

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