The degradation that Parliament is suffering during this legislature is

of enormous democratic gravity


And the President of the Government contributes decisively to this, since since his arrival in Moncloa, he has shown an allergy to accountability.

No minority leader, like Pedro Sánchez, is seduced by the idea of ​​submitting his decisions to the scrutiny of Congress, where his parliamentary precariousness is portrayed.

But when he governs himself in such a Caesarist way, with such d

contempt for the Hemicycle, believing itself to be invested with the powers of the Head of State in a presidential system,

the function of counterpower that every democracy reserves to its Parliament is attacked


The most eloquent example we have in the

Numantine resistance of Sanchismo to hold the Debate on the State of the Nation


It is the most important act of control of the Government in the seat of national sovereignty.

And yet, it has not been celebrated for seven years.

Sánchez is about to turn four at La Moncloa and has never called him up.

He always finds some justification to hide the explanations of his management and assume the criticism and alternatives of the parliamentary arch.

When it is not due to the holding of elections, it is for other reasons such as the successive states of alarm during the pandemic of which precisely

abused the Executive to govern by decree with almost omnimote powers

without accounting for anything, devaluing our democracy in such a worrying way.

Last December, Moncloa finally assured that the Debate on the State of the Nation would be held in the first quarter of this 2022, during the February and March sessions.

But, once again, it has been another broken promise,

as if circumventing the opposition groups did not really constitute an affront to the citizenry as a whole


The Minister of the Presidency stated more recently that the call will take place before July.

How long do you trust me, what would Don Quixote say?

The truth is that, as we publish today, today

there is no date, not even approximate

marked on the horizon.

The calendar offers the possibility of the month of May and the first half of June.

But in the Popular Party and other formations they are maligned that Sánchez is desperate to find a moment more conducive to his interests, which he will hardly find in the midst of the current situation of energy crisis, economic stagnation and strong repercussions of Putin's war. in Ukraine.

The call for the Debate corresponds exclusively to the Government.

But given the malpractice that we are witnessing, it seems necessary that, as some parties demand

its celebration is regulated by law


Sánchez really likes the showcase and multiplies himself in substitutes for press conferences like the famous ones

hello president

during the state of alarm.

But every time he can, he spends months without accountability where he belongs, in Parliament.

Sad is the drift of the Legislative to which the sanchismo takes us with the permission of its partners.

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