After the rain, and especially the wind, the good weather is supposed to return.

For 30,000 households, it is a little slow to make its comeback.

"Following the passage of storm Diego, nearly 30,000 customers are still without electricity, particularly in New Aquitaine, around the Gironde estuary, and in Auvergne", indicated the network manager Enedis in a point on the state of the electrical network at 8.30 a.m.

According to Enedis, "more than 1,000 technicians from Enedis and partner companies are on the ground to carry out the necessary diagnoses and resupply the customers concerned as quickly as possible".

Half of them "were resupplied in less than 24 hours", in particular thanks to modern boxes, which allow remote intervention.

But also because Enedis, from the first alert about Diego, had anticipated the potential damage and adapted its response.

The orange vigilance for "violent winds" which concerned three departments of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region - Puy-de-Dôme, Loire and Haute-Loire - was lifted on Saturday morning by Météo-France, as for the neo-Aquitaine departments of Charente-Maritime, Vienne and Deux-Sèvres, which were released from the alert on Friday evening.

The orange alert in Savoie for "high risk of avalanches in the high mountains" was also lifted on Saturday morning.


Storm Diego: Orange vigilance extended to the departments of Puy-de-Dôme and Haute-Loire for high winds


Cold wave: Faced with frost, the State releases emergency aid to farmers

  • Planet

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  • Enedis

  • Storm

  • Wind

  • electricity