120 people participated this Thursday in a public meeting opposing the installation of an agricultural methanization unit in the town of Mesnil-Aubry (Val-d'Oise).

Among them were elected officials, including Yves Citerne, DVD mayor of Attainville (Val-d'Oise), who protested in July 2021 against a similar project in his town, reports

La Gazette Val-d'Oise


The importance of Plu

Martine Bidel, mayor of Mesnil-Aubry, recalled that the local urban plan (PLU) of her city did not allow the installation of such a factory.

She assured that she did not want to modify her PLU.

LREM deputy Dominique Da Silva also said he was opposed to the methanizer while recalling the importance of this kind of equipment.

“There is not enough agricultural waste in the Val-d'Oise […].

The waste will come from elsewhere, by truck, which will generate other pollution,” said Bernard Loup, president of Val-d'Oise Environnement.

He discussed potential remedies.

The 920 inhabitants of the town will be able to express themselves on the subject during a public consultation from April 14.


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