Yasmina Kattou 09:33 a.m., April 08, 2022

With the Covid, many French people have lost their sense of smell and taste.

It is for them that the AP-HM (Public Assistance Hospitals of Marseille) has partnered with an SME from the mouths of the Rhône which produces spices to release a kit with several spices.

The APHM presents the kit and its operation this Friday.

How does it work ?

A spice kit to regain your sense of smell after the Covid.

Many French people have lost their sense of smell and taste, so they suffer from what is known in medicine as anosmia and ageusia.

It is for them that the AP-HM (Public Assistance Hospitals of Marseille) has joined forces with an SME from the mouths of the Rhône which produces spices to release a kit with several spices.

What spices are present in this magic kit? 

Spices with strong evocative power

A vanilla pod, fennel powder, curry, thyme from Provence, and cloves... Spices to smell every day to revive the olfactory memory of those who have lost it.

Exercise and progress tracking sheets are provided.

And the scents were not chosen at random, explains Emmanuelle Albert, speech therapist at the Conception Hospital in Marseille.

"We chose them because they are strong smells and that's important to boost recovery," she explains at the microphone of Europe 1. "But we also chose them for their strong evocative power. If you take for example vanilla, we all ate vanilla ice cream and vanilla yogurt". 

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Help in rehabilitation

The box was designed with the CEPASCO company, a spice producer.

Delphine Grégoire, marketing manager, had the idea after losing her sense of smell, which she rehabilitated with spices.

"For three months I felt absolutely nothing," she explains.

"Afterwards, I started to have certain smells that came back. With training, I regained my sense of smell. It helps in rehabilitation". 

The kit is sold on the internet for 30 euros.

Profits will be donated to hospitals in Marseille for medical research.