A “magic” food supplement to treat blood pressure in 6 weeks

The problem of high blood pressure and its health risks haunt the lives of many around the world, especially after the age of 40, and experts advise exercising and following a healthy diet to confront this problem.

A new study, published in the scientific journal "Nutrients", revealed a nutritional supplement that significantly and effectively lowers blood pressure.

According to the study, taking aged black garlic extract helps lower blood pressure in people with high cholesterol.

The results showed "magical" signs, as in six weeks of eating aged black garlic, subjects experienced a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) compared to placebo, especially in men.

"Sputnikn" quoted "Eat This, Not That!"

Alberto Espinel, a biotechnology company located in Spain that produces aged black garlic extract, said: “Aged black garlic has long been considered a delicacy and an integral component of the Asian diet, as well as a tool for preserving on health.

Experimental evidence is revealing about the beneficial effects of black garlic on cardiovascular health.”

According to the article, this delicious ingredient is traditionally produced by fermenting whole garlic bulbs from a selected Spanish variety of fresh garlic in high humidity and high temperatures for a few weeks.

The garlic cloves turn dark and take on a smooth, jelly-like consistency while the garlic loses its characteristic pungent flavor and becomes sweeter.

"This is some of the first evidence to emerge on the blood pressure stabilizing effect of black garlic extract, as a natural alternative, in populations where intervention strategies are based on diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle," Espinel said.

Most importantly, its positive effects are achieved by following a simple protocol of taking one tablet of aged black garlic extract daily.”

Black garlic provides a powerful - and delicious - additional nutrient to help control blood pressure, especially in people who find it difficult to stick to dietary restrictions.

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