According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, there are more than 9,500 teachers who teach at special needs schools without the specialized licenses required for children with disabilities.

As a general rule, teachers at special needs schools are required by law to have a specialized license according to the five types of disabilities, in addition to the regular teacher's license.

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's survey of the status of teacher licenses for special needs schools nationwide, as of May last year, 86.5% of the 70,810 students had professional licenses.

Although increasing every year, there are still 9533 teachers who teach without a professional license.

Looking at the license holding rate by disability,

▽ intellectual disability was 90%,

▽ hearing loss was 61%, and

▽ visual disability was 66%.

The ownership rate by prefecture was as high

as 96% in Yamagata prefecture

and 95% in Wakayama prefecture, while it was

the lowest

in Toyama and Saga prefectures at 73%.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology says that it will proceed with efforts to increase the ownership rate of professional licenses to 100%.

At the same time, on the 31st, all teachers will be in charge of special support classes for more than 2 years within 10 years after being hired, saying that children and students studying in special support classes and regular classes also need guidance according to their disabilities. We have officially compiled a report that requires you to experience it.