It is not because I am pessimistic, but these times do not help to go through life with an

attitude that is too ZEN


In the process of recovering from the 'wounds' of a coronavirus pandemic that is still raging, the geopolitical instability and the economic crisis that is coming as a result of it, are leaving us very touched... but never sunk!

So, while the global 'storm' lasts, we have no choice but to pull on that

tired resilience

that is endlessly appealed to or adopt the

'Monty Python mode

' and hum (and whistle) the always comforting

'Always look on the bright side of life'.

That and trying not to let the

downpour of negative feelings

we have to deal with leave (too much) a mark on us.

Because, whether we like it or not, we walk through a scenario in which stress and anxiety have stayed with the leading roles, giving way to some 'secondary' ones that, little by little, are undermining our health.

Although we cannot perceive it, when we are faced with a possible threat,

an alarm system is activated in the body from the hypothalamus

that causes the adrenal glands, located next to the kidneys, to release a storm of hormones associated with anxiety.

It is then that the threatening presence of



adrenaline and noradrenaline emerges.


90% of the things we worry about never happen

, but our body and mind experience it as if it were real.

In situations of fear, we activate the alert system and consequently cortisol rises, this does not have to be bad in a timely manner, but it is continuously.

The mind and body are not able to distinguish a real threat from an imaginary one, so we keep this hormone constantly active, suffering.


cortisol intoxication



explains psychiatrist Marian Rojas-Estapé, author of the book 'How to make good things happen to you'.

Soraya Bajat, Head of Psychology at the Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital and Head of Mental Health at the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital (Madrid), has already warned us: "You cannot live well in a prolonged emergency situation because the body ends up suffering from it with

increased blood pressure, triggering latent autoimmune disorders, facilitating infections, etc.

For this reason, it is important to learn proper emotional management to avoid the chronicity of stress due to the negative psychological and physiological effects it causes".


The omnipresence of cortisol in our blood not only makes an impression on the inside, but also shows itself on the outside.

"It greatly affects the skin, producing an

alteration of neuropeptides;

modifying the hydrolipidic barrier and

accelerating aging

through glycation processes,

by increasing sugar levels in the body

", adds Ana Yuste, technical director of the firm Aromatherapy Associates.

The incidence of cortisol varies according to the person:


After all, everyone somatizes stress in one way or another. The most common is to see how

acneic processes

appear , due to an

overproduction of sebum

or, even, the effect diametrically opposite:

skin hypersensitivity

due to a complete lack of lipids in the barrier function", explains Elisabeth San Gregorio, technical director of Medik8.

While in the short term it can cause outbreaks of pimples or redness due to sensitivity, over time cortisol is largely responsible for

premature aging



We must think that inflammatory processes, such as acne, can accelerate skin aging.

Also, it ages due to the

increase in glucose in the tissue

, which crystallizes and produces what we call glycation processes.

In other words,

the sugar crystallizes and breaks down collagen and elastin

, which are essential for the skin to look young," explains Bella Hurtado, technical director of the Korean firm Boutijour.


In order to minimize the presence of cortisol in our body, there is no other option but to attack the problem from the root, that is, by controlling our levels of stress and anxiety.


'Playing' with that tool that is so useful and to which, however, we have paid so little attention until now called


based on three fundamental pillars:

a balanced diet

(free of ultra-processed foods, alcohol and other stimulants

), physical activity and break

In this sense, Marian Rojas-Estapé, in "How to make good things happen to you", highlights the importance of slowing down and doing therapies that help us relax and unwind.

Also to practice

"physical exercise without making high intensity efforts


Raquel González, director of education at Perricone MD, advises


practicing activities such as

facial yoga

, which helps to relax the body, mind and reduce the effects of cortisol on the face. Giving free rein to emotions is also a good tool. In fact, tears contain cortisol, and that's why we feel so free after crying."

Cry, yes.

but without going overboard: "

Crying is a mechanism that relieves internal tension

, very useful as a timely form of relief,

but it is important not to be anchored in crying and lamenting because it enslaves and victimizes the person"

, points out the psychologist Soraya Bajat.



, such as a hug, a body massage or enjoying a relaxing facial treatment, in addition to providing immediate comfort, help reduce these cortisol levels.


Eight seconds

is the time it takes for the body to release the hormone


and reduce cortisol levels,"

argues Estefanía Nieto, technical director of Omorovicza.


While we work hard to control our stress levels, the effects of cortisol can be counteracted by applying active ingredients to the skin that reduce damage.

One of these ingredients is bioactive microalgae of marine origin.


Excess cortisol can compromise the

skin's ability to recover at night

. However,

microalgae restore the circadian rhythm

. Skin repair is optimized and balance is restored, increasing hydration", explains Estefanía Nieto, of Omorovicza.

In the same way that this plant-based compound balances the consequences of cortisol, there are others that directly help reduce it.


Vitamin C or omegas 3, 6 and 9

help lower the levels of cortisol present in the body, so it is essential to resort to them, both topically and through a balanced diet", concludes Raquel González , from Perricone MD.

Creams for a more relaxed and luminous skin



  • Omorovicza Midnight Renewal, enriched with bioactive microalgae to balance circadian rhythms, altered by cortisol.

    €155 at

  • Perricone MD Gentle Cleanser contains calming CBD and is hypoallergenic, to treat possible skin sensitivity or inflammatory processes caused by high levels of cortisol.

    €40 at

  • De-Stress Mind Bath & Shower Oil is a 'mix' of essential oils to use during the bath and shower.

    Its deeply relaxing ingredients are ideal for helping us reduce anxiety.

    €64 at

  • Medik8 C-Tetra Luxe includes vitamin C from ethylated ascorbic acid to reduce cortisol levels.

    It also includes soothing turmeric extract, which will prevent possible inflammatory processes.

    €82 at

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