A GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is simply animated images on the Internet that are repeated over and over and are often used as playful messages.

Today, GIFs are a common phenomenon in Internet culture.

Invented it all by yourself

Stephen Wilhite created the format in the late 80's.

He was looking for high-quality, high-resolution color graphics that worked at the then very slow internet speed.

- He invented GIF all by himself.

Stephen made the technology at home and took it to work after completing it, his wife Kathaleen Wilhite tells The Verge.

- He listed everything in his head and then went and programmed it on the computer.

According to Mrs. Kathaleen, Stephen Wilhite was very proud to have invented the GIF.

In 2012, he received an honorary award at the Webby Lifetime Achievement Award for the file format.

Wilhite's first GIF was an airplane and according to an interview in the Times 2013, his favorite GIF was a dancing baby.