The warning from the United States to its allies that China is open to providing military aid to Russia represents

a qualitative leap in the development of the war against Ukraine and in the balance of the current geostrategic board,

which with this declaration is seriously destabilized, forcing all actors to position themselves unequivocally in the face of what -if it materializes- could be considered a Chinese offensive against the values ​​and interests of the West.

So far, the giant

Asian tea had managed to keep

an ambiguous low profile in the conflict,

resisting on the one hand to renounce his close ties with Moscow -whom he asked to delay the start of the contest until the end of the Beijing Olympics-, but feigning a certain contemplative attitude about the contest,

without obstructing Western support for kyiv and expressing confidence in diplomatic channels.

However, the scenario that is drawn after the announcement by the White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, after meeting in Rome with the Chinese Councilor of State, Yang Jiechi, destroys any claim of China to appear as a neutral power. in the war taking place on Ukrainian soil.

Military support for Russia also puts on the table

important questions about the consideration that from now on the international community must have towards Russia and about its role in the United Nations.

It is the moment of truth for China, which intends to play the role of global superpower in the 21st century, disputing the hegemony of the United States.

But for that it must be equal to its own political and economic power.

The willingness to support Russia militarily, even without specifying its details, leaves no doubt that its neutrality, as the United States has pointed out, is false: it cannot maintain such a resounding complicity with Russia as to become actively involved in the war and

pretend at the same time that it does not reach the reputational and commercial damage

that will already accompany Russia for decades.

At this historic crossroads for Xi Jinping, it is not insignificant that, after the threatening intentions revealed by Beijing, the possibility still persists that

China uses its privileged relationship with Russia to mediate in the conflict


It is desirable that it be now, with all the cards already on the table, when, paradoxically, the intimidating Chinese announcement could become the beginning of a new stage in the negotiations to end the infamous invasion of Ukraine.

Only Xi has the ability to influence Putin.

Only he can wrest the commitment to return to the dialogue table.

The West must wake up from its slumber

: He faces the insanity of the Russian satrap, allied with the communist dictatorship.

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