At 12:06 p.m. on March 13, when four ALICE friends climbed the main peak of Shitou Mountain, Chengxi Town, Longhai District, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, one of them accidentally stepped on the trap and was trapped.

Fire rescue personnel carry rescue equipment on foot into the mountain for rescue.

Guided by the local village chief, fire rescuers climbed the mountain road for more than an hour to reach the location of the trapped person.

After inquiries, it was learned that the trapped person was a mountaineering enthusiast who stepped on the trap by mistake, resulting in his ankle being pinched and unable to move.

The place where the man was trapped is a small road that few people are familiar with, and there are sometimes wild animals, which is very dangerous.

  The rescuers immediately launched the rescue. After protecting the ankles of the trapped people, they used equipment such as toothless saws to cut, and the medical team did on-site disinfection and dressing.

Afterwards, the four travellers descended the mountain safely under the escort of fire and rescue personnel.

(Wu Shengwei Zheng Weishuai Wang Yixiong video source Zhangzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment)

Responsible editor: [Wang Shanshan]