[Explanation] The government work report in 2022 clearly released a signal of economic development in the mainland, and continued to adhere to the general tone of steady progress, which attracted widespread attention from Taiwanese businessmen who started businesses in Xiamen, Fujian.

Looking back on 2021 and looking forward to the future, they are full of confidence in their development on the mainland.

  [Explanation] This government work report has a directional and policy-oriented description of economic and people's livelihood issues.

Most of the Taiwan-funded enterprises developing in Xiamen are small and medium-sized enterprises. Many Taiwanese businessmen believe that the content of "tax reduction and fee reduction" in the report is of great help to enterprises.

  [Concurrent] Song Keqi, General Manager of Xiamen Zhengyang Logistics Co., Ltd.

  The very exciting point is about this part of the value-added tax, because transportation vehicles are running outside, and people are running outside. Many aspects of taxation are actually blank, so how can we use this one this time? For the reform, we connected the value-added tax or the invoice in series to make it a standardized development.

  [Concurrent] Jin Yufeng, Chairman of the Youth Committee of Xiamen Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association

  It has given a lot of support and discounts for the survival of the enterprise, so I think it will also help us Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwanese youth to develop in Xiamen, because after all, this burden has been reduced a lot, and relatively speaking, at this point in time, it has also been strengthened. The ability of our business to continue itself.

  [Commentary] Su Feijun from New Taipei has been operating the Discovery Hotel in Xiamen for more than ten years.

This time, she focused on the content of tax cuts and fee reductions in the government work report.

Taking her own company as an example, Su Feijun has reduced or exempted more than 100,000 yuan in taxes and fees only last year. She believes that under the continuous impact of the current new crown pneumonia epidemic, the mainland is still withstanding the pressure, and the "subtraction" of tax and fee reduction is exchanged for enterprises. The "addition" of development.

  [Concurrent] Su Feijun, Vice President of Xiamen Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association

  Many policies are very close to people's livelihood, so I think that for small and medium-sized enterprises like this, there are some preferential policies for tax reduction, which are directly preferential to all enterprises. We are very confident to continue our business here.

  [Explanation] Wu Jiaying, president of the Xiamen Taiwan Business Association, said that the content of "tax reduction and fee reduction" in this year's government work report is more inclusive to Taiwan businessmen.

In the future, Taiwanese businessmen need to think about how to transform and upgrade to further integrate into the mainland market.

  [Concurrent] Wu Jiaying, President of Xiamen Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association

  This year's economic growth target is set at 5.5%, and the reduction of taxes and fees has increased, reaching 2.5 trillion (RMB). In fact, most of the Taiwan-funded enterprises in Xiamen are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises. I believe hearing this The message is very very happy.

  Li Siyuan and Qian Xiaoyun reported from Xiamen, Fujian

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]