Amid the problem of excessive school rules, the so-called "black school rules," the school rules, such as the designation of underwear colors and the prohibition of two blocks, are being reviewed and will be abolished in many schools from the new year. became.

In response to the spread of the movement to review the excessive school rules, so-called "black school rules" all over the country, in April last year, the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education decided to specify the color of the underwear, dye the hair uniformly black, and the hair is black. If there are six items in the school rules, such as requiring students with frizz hair to submit proof of hair and prohibiting hairstyles called two blocks with shortened sides, discuss the necessity including students and parents. I asked for it from a metropolitan high school.

As a result, 5 out of 6 items will be abolished at all metropolitan high schools from the new year.

On the other hand, some schools have decided to continue the school rules regarding the submission of hair certification.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education states that "students thinking about the school rules of their school as a member of society will foster awareness of social participation."