NOT because it was expected, the filing of the open investigation into the foreign assets of Juan Carlos I is not less relevant.

There are no solid indications of criminality

against the King's father to file a complaint with the Supreme Court.

Inviolability or prescription justify the file.

This does not mean that the Mon

arca emeritus recovers his innocence in judicial terms: it means that he never lost it.

And it also means that today

he is assisted by a greater freedom, therefore a greater responsibility

, to make its decisions with the prudence due to the Crown.

Don Juan Carlos was sentenced without even bringing charges against him.

It is true that his behavior in recent years has been far from exemplary: the two tax adjustments entail an express recognition of his misconduct.

But the harassment and demolition of the left and the separatism against his figure,

without distinguishing achievements from mistakes

, never concealed the desire to liquidate the system of 78 that he founded.

Spain will never cease to be his home nor will the democracy be grateful for his legacy.

For this reason, Juan Carlos I has the right to recover the life that he considers convenient,

with the institutional duty always present from now on.

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