[Explanation] Li Simin, who was born in 1990, always likes to wear a camouflage jacket and a T-shirt with a vulture pattern on it. He is a well-known "Raptor Doctor" in Wuhan, and has been volunteering to rescue birds for 18 years.

  [Explanation] Recently, Li Simin led reporters to Bafen Mountain, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City.

At dusk, in the air, a brown bird sometimes flutters its wings quickly, sometimes swoops down.

Li Simin quickly recognized from its shape and posture that this was a kestrel, a small bird of prey.

  [Concurrent] Raptor Doctor Li Simin

  I myself prefer this thing. When I see it hovering in the sky, I feel that this thing is very beautiful.

As for the local resident birds in Wuhan, there are the crested eagle, the red-bellied eagle, the gray-faced wild eagle, the kestrel and the peregrine falcon. There are more of them.

In terms of migration, there are many varieties and everything.

You have to wait until April.

If you go to the top of Bafenshan, you will see hundreds of them a day.

  [Explanation] Raptor is a collective name for birds of the order Falcon and Owl.

The birds of prey are fierce, and the scars on the back of Li Simin's hands were all scratched by sharp claws during the rescue.

Li Simin is a postal clerk.

In his spare time, he devoted all his time to raptor rescue, studying online, consulting experts, listening to popular science lectures, and self-learning bird rescue.

  [Concurrent] Raptor Doctor Li Simin

  This is the case when encountering raptors outdoors. Generally speaking, it is not a professional. I suggest that it is best to contact some professional organizations for assistance, because raptors will hurt people.

You go to it, and even a smaller bird of prey, its claws and mouths are particularly powerful, and it will see blood when it catches it.

During the rescue process, it bites and scratches you. This is a normal thing.

So I usually wear some special gloves in my vehicle.

If I ever come across one like this, I'll go over and handle it with gloves on.

  [Explanation] The treatment of raptors is a problem all over the world.

More than 100 raptors have been rescued and released into the wild by Li Simin.

With the accumulation of experience, he has changed from "a little bit of fur" to a well-known "Raptor Doctor" in the local area.

In 2017, he was named "the most beautiful wildlife guardian" by the Hubei Wildlife Conservation Association.

Together with the volunteers, a joint bird protection mechanism has been established with local forestry departments, public security law enforcement departments, and wildlife protection agencies.

  [Concurrent] Raptor Doctor Li Simin

  There are eagle owls, white-bellied falcons, peregrine falcons, goshawks, crested eagles, owls, kestrels, and grey-faced eagles. 90% of the people I rescued are birds of prey. .

If you say treatment, the longest treatment for injuries is three months, but for chicks, there are more than three months.

Because the chick you have to raise it.

After raising it, you will also need to teach some training and hunting skills, because it is in the wild, and it relies on this to hunt some other small animals for a living.

You can teach it(s) with pigeons, quails, etc., as well as this kind of guinea pig.

  [Explanation] Li Simin told reporters that whenever he has free time, he will climb Mount Bafen to record bird populations and migration.

What makes him happy is that in recent years, the ecology of Bafenshan has been getting better and better. Bafenshan is located on the return passage of raptors, and has set a record of observing more than 300 raptors in 3 hours.

There are more birds, and there are more citizens who love birds and protect them. In the future, he wants to build a public welfare bird rescue center, and with more like-minded volunteers, use more professional and scientific power to make birds better Protection work.

  [Concurrent] Raptor Doctor Li Simin

  In fact, the bird of prey, you said this, is actually in nature, and its role is also more important. It can prey on some rodents to reduce some (plague pests), which is all helpful.

So I think it is still more meaningful, because I also want to try to make this thing bigger and better.

Because you can only rely on one person, he is limited, so I think it means that there is a team to do this together.

  Reporter Zheng Ziyan reports from Wuhan, Hubei

Responsible editor: [Zhang Xi]