[Explanation] Early in the morning, the sound of reading aloud came from the campus of Zhangzhou Experimental Primary School.

Lan Zhen shared with his classmates the glorious moments of the Olympic athletes at the Beijing Winter Olympics in the classroom of Class 2 of the third year.

The students spoke enthusiastically and wrote down their dreams on small cards. The classroom atmosphere was very active.

Lan Zhen is a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangzhou Experimental Primary School. For 34 years, she has been sticking to the podium and escorting her children's dreams.

A few days ago, the reporter visited Lan Zhen in Zhangzhou, Fujian.

  [Explanation] As a representative of the National People's Congress from the grassroots level, Lan Zhen's eyes are more focused on the field of education.

In recent years, she has been actively providing advice and suggestions on the balanced development of education, professional growth of teachers, minors' health, and family education.

Under the background of "double reduction", how to improve the quality and efficiency of education is the topic that Lan Zhen is most concerned about this year.

  [Concurrent] Lan Zhen, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangzhou Experimental Primary School, Fujian Province

  In the context of "double reduction", this assignment must be innovative and quality, so our school also specially held a teaching and research on this assignment design.

The second aspect is that we also demand quality from the classroom. The quality of the classroom is very important.

So we also started this teacher training project this year.

The third aspect is that we strengthen communication with home and school, and work with parents to interpret the spirit of this "double reduction" policy.

I think it is also very important, because the "double reduction" does not mean that you lay down when you reduce the burden, or that reducing the burden means reducing the responsibility. In fact, many of them require the cooperation of home and school to jointly help children to improve.

The fourth aspect is that we need to do a good job in this after-school service, such as science popularization, physical exercise, the improvement of artistic accomplishment, etc. We need to enrich the content of this after-school service through various forms to promote students' learning grow healthy.

  [Explanation] Lan Zhen told reporters that since the implementation of the "double reduction", schools in various places have taken multiple measures and achieved certain results. Students have more spare time after school, sleep time has increased, and physical health has improved significantly.

In addition, students' practical ability has also been greatly improved.

She said that "double reduction" still needs continuous exploration, continuous improvement and improvement, and to form a generalizable experience.

  [Concurrent] Lan Zhen, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangzhou Experimental Primary School, Fujian Province

  During the research process, I will learn that some rural schools were a little confused when the "double reduction" just came.

Many of the comprehensive evaluation reforms under the "double reduction" policy will change accordingly.


What should be done?

What kind of method is effective?

This one is worth exploring.

So I hope that as soon as possible, there are some good experiences and models like this that can be promoted.

Second, I think that under the "double reduction" policy, teachers' work pressure will also increase.

That is to say, how to strengthen the supporting policies and how to enable teachers to truly implement the "double reduction" work.

Then, the introduction of some supporting policies that can match their careers.

  [Explanation] In 2013, in order to help more rural teachers grow up, "Lan Zhen Famous Teacher Studio" was established.

Relying on the studio, Lan Zhen actively participated in activities such as poverty alleviation through education and sending education to the countryside.

Through in-depth research in the countryside and on-the-spot research, Lan Zhen noticed that the library of rural schools is rudimentary and has few books, some books are not suitable for students to read, and teachers' extracurricular reading guidance level is not balanced.

To this end, on the eve of this year's National "Two Sessions", she distributed 1,281 questionnaires to investigate the rural primary school library, and put forward "several opinions on strengthening the construction of rural primary school library".

Lan Zhen told reporters that under the "double reduction" policy, the construction of rural school libraries is particularly important.

  [Concurrent] Lan Zhen, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Party Committee of Zhangzhou Experimental Primary School, Fujian Province

  Increase investment in the construction of this library.

And it is necessary to establish this kind of benign system of eliminating books.

Avoid that one-time purchase, but it is not suitable for students to study, it is very wasteful.

The second one is that from the level of society as a whole, caring enterprises and organizations also donate books to the school. When entering the school library, there must be a link such as this review and check, and then how to put these books. Better to use it?

In fact, when it comes to the rural schools below, you can actually go to the central school first, and then carry out such a cycle of such an update. I think this way, the utilization rate may be higher.

I think it is very important for our children to have an excellent culture to infiltrate their hearts from an early age, which is very important for their physical and mental growth.

I hope we can increase investment in this area, and then let our children have a bright reading place and healthy reading books.

  Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Zhangzhou, Fujian

Responsible editor: [Zhang Xi]