[Explanation] It has won the love of kindergarten children and is very popular among the elderly in nursing homes... Recently, a full-time firefighter who can "change his face" and cut his hair has attracted a lot of attention in Shanghai.

On February 25, a reporter from China News Agency came to the Xinqiao Fire Rescue Station in Songjiang District, Shanghai, and met the firefighter, Chen Liang.

  It is understood that Chen Liang is the squad leader of the fire special service team and has worked in the fire rescue job for 13 years.

Talking about the "face-changing" performance, Chen Liang said that due to work needs, he often went to schools and other places within his jurisdiction to promote fire safety knowledge. In order not to appear boring, he thought about whether he could intersperse performances in the publicity process to deepen the children's awareness. Impressions of safety precautions knowledge.

So, he taught himself "face changing" on the Internet.

  In addition, Chen Liang often organizes firefighters in the class to visit and condolence the elderly at the nursing home in the jurisdiction. Seeing some elderly people have long hair, Chen Liang also acts as a "Tony teacher" to cut their hair.

  [Same period] Chen Liang, squad leader of the first class of special service at Xinqiao Fire Rescue Station, Songjiang District, Shanghai

  They need our juniors to care and care.

Coupled with the epidemic, family members can't come to them, so let's take the time to cut their hair, chat, and have a heart-to-heart, and then tell them about the fire fighting method, right, everyday common sense.

  [Explanation] At work, Chen Liang's diligence has infected every colleague around him.

Tan Jiangzhi from Guangxi was deeply touched. He introduced that when he retired from the army and returned to his hometown, it coincided with the reform of the fire brigade. Due to the "friendship" with monitor Chen Liang, he resolutely returned to the post where they fought together. .

Whenever there are holidays or holidays, monitor Chen Liang invites colleagues from other places to be guests at home, which makes Tan Jiangzhi feel warm.

  [Concurrent] Tan Jiangzhi, a full-time firefighter at Xinqiao Fire Rescue Station, Songjiang District, Shanghai

  During the Chinese New Year, my home is far away and I can't go back home. Then he (Chen Liang) would invite me to his house as a guest when he was on vacation and treated me like a younger brother.

I am also very grateful to him for his care and care for my life.

  [Explanation] In life, I am caring for my colleagues, but in the eyes of my colleagues on the training ground, the good brothers and good brothers are different.

Chen Liang said frankly that some young firefighters were not very adaptable when they first started work, and they often played with temper and lost their temper.

But after a period of running-in and Chen Liang's years of leading and training experience, these young guys quickly entered the "role".

Chen Liang said that the fire rescue work requires good physical fitness and excellent skills. As a qualified firefighter, he can only "pull out and fight loudly" through hard training at critical moments.

  [Concurrent] Chen Liang, the special squad leader of Xinqiao Fire Rescue Station, Songjiang District, Shanghai

  After all, comrades all start with young people, young people have anger, and then practice (practice) the same project here day after day, year after year, will burn out the anger, and this anger can only be On the competition field, on the training ground, you can only save more people on the "battlefield" by sweating more on the training ground, so you must be strict and strict with them.

If this action doesn’t work, then if we practice it ten times a hundred times, it will be our own, and then we will save more people.

  [Explanation] As a full-time firefighter, Chen Liang feels that it is glorious and sacred to engage in this job. He has forged a deep friendship with his colleagues for 13 years. He led everyone to participate in more than 1,000 firefighting and rescue battles and rescued 100 trapped people. Yu Ren also fulfilled his promise when he joined the company.

  Zhang Jian reports from Shanghai

Responsible editor: [Li Yuxin]