Thibault Nadal 5:02 p.m., February 23, 2022, modified at 10:54 p.m., February 23, 2022

Yoga or yogas, since there are 12 major different techniques, has become a real social phenomenon.

Nearly 10 million French people practice it regularly.

In "Bienfait pour vous", Élodie Garamond returns to this "art of living" and the benefits they entail for our body.

A 4,000-year-old sport, or rather "a way of life" for Élodie Garamond, creator of the Tigre Yoga Club Présidence, president of the UPY, the Union of Yoga Professionals and author of the book, "Yoga: an art of to live".

In "Bienfait pour vous" on Europe 1, she explains that yoga "is a philosophy and a way of life".

Because yes, yoga is not a sport, since it is not recognized as such by the Ministry of Sports and there is currently no official competition.

>> Find all the programs of Mélanie Gomez and Julia Vignali from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and podcast here

Yoga has become a social phenomenon, as there were 2.5 million practitioners in 2017, compared to 9.7 million today.

An explosion which is partly explained by the successive confinements: “there was a plethora of offers on social networks, whether free or paid. But what is interesting is that demand has quadrupled , but the offer has been multiplied by ten," says Élodie Garamond.

The importance of breathing

What makes yoga so successful is that it is accessible to everyone and almost everywhere, but above all according to the teacher, "it's a fabulous immune defense booster. It's very good for morale, for everyone nervous systems and for hormonal systems".

But also for breathing: "when we breathe unconsciously, we have inspirations and expirations that are too short. This means that we do not oxygenate the brain enough, the cells and the blood does not circulate fast enough", explains Élodie Garamond at the microphone of Europe 1.

While in the opposite direction, when we breathe consciously, "the influx of oxygen blood will be greater, so we will have more energy. And today, it is proven that yoga and breathing will boost the immune system".