The Beijing Winter Olympics are coming to an end, and the "motor engine" combination Wang Shiyue/Liu Xinyu's beautiful ice dance and Hanyu Yuzuru's 4A action are frequently "screened" online.

  Today, figure skating enters the last day of competition, and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong will hit the second Olympic gold medal in China's pair skating history.

  While we cheered for the excellent performance of the players, netizens were also wondering, why do figure skaters turn so many circles without getting dizzy?

The secret of spinning in circles

hide in ears

  Squatting spinning, swallowing spinning, upright spinning... These classic figure skating movements are not only dazzling, but once ordinary people imitate it, they are more likely to spin, so why do we feel dizzy when we spin?

  Wu Wen, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology, Beijing Haidian Hospital, introduced that the balance of the human body depends on the constant cooperation of vestibular sense (ears), vision (eyes) and proprioception (body). coordination and stability.

  The human ear not only listens to sound, but also has a balance device called the semicircular canal in the inner ear.

The semicircular canal is composed of three mutually perpendicular annular bone canals, which are responsible for the sense of balance in the three-dimensional space of the head.

  Semicircular canals are further divided into bony semicircular canals and membranous semicircular canals. When some structures of the membranous semicircular canals are stimulated by the flow of endolymph, the semicircular canals are excited.

  When the human body is in a fast-moving environment, such as turning a circle, as the head turns, the endolymph fluid is also shaking, so that the balancer in the inner ear is stimulated and out of balance, and the resulting nerve impulses will make us feel Dizzy.

The picture shows Wang Shiyue (left)/Liu Xinyu in the game.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Cui Nan

Athletes don't get dizzy

Is it "talented"?

  The average figure skater spins nearly 100 laps per game. Why do they turn so many laps and finally land smoothly?

  According to the doctor, each person's rotation intensity, time and tolerance are different, and if they exceed the limit, they will faint.

  The reason why figure skaters turn all kinds of angles and do all kinds of difficult movements without getting dizzy is because they have been training continuously since childhood, and the vestibular system has gradually become accustomed to the changes in the spatial stimulation of the head, and is insensitive and slow to stimulation. Overcome the natural reaction and reach the extreme of adaptability and tolerance.

  Therefore, "turning without dizziness" is not because the athletes are "uniquely gifted", but because they have been training scientifically since childhood.

  There are also many netizens who are eager to try these difficult ice and snow sports, and even Bing Dun Dun insists on challenging the 4A high-difficulty movements of figure skating.

  But doctors reminded that ordinary people would be dangerous when imitating figure skating.

  Ordinary people have no skating foundation and no vestibular function training. When spinning, it is difficult to control the center of gravity, which is very easy to lead to falls and injuries. The injury site and the severity of the injury determine the outcome of the injury.

  The consequences, such as skin trauma, abrasions, contusions, penetrating injuries, as well as the risk of fractures in various parts, may be severe head injury and so on.

  Therefore, without scientific vestibular function training, you must not easily imitate these difficult figure skating movements, otherwise the result may not only be a head-banging and a fart!

  Author: Zhang Yilin