friendly space

the curtain

Amal El Minshawi


February 17 2022

It is, as it was said in its description, “a chain in which honor and pride are extended,” “the torment of those who repeat it,” and “a bow that diminishes pride.”

It spoils our features and makes us boring due to its frequent repetition, carrying in its folds permanent grumbling and indignation, which alienates us from the near and the stranger.

It deprives us of self-esteem, disrupts our will, reduces our ability to overcome difficulties, and loses us the interest of others who avoid hearing us in order to avoid the negative energy we emit in everything around us.

They color our days with dark and sad colors that catch the breath and destroy immunity, inherit diseases, block the light of hope from our souls, and kill optimism by releasing distress and facilitating difficulties.

Because of it, we lose our loved ones when we are a daily burden on them that they look forward to getting rid of, and a constant pressure on their psychological peace, which must be avoided in order for life to be straight.

With it, our faces become frowning, preyed upon by wrinkles, and with it the laughter that delights the heart, renews activity, and preserves youth.

It is the constant complaint, which obscures our vision of the abundance of blessings in which we turn day and night, only seeing what we lack, or what we look forward to, and it has not yet come.

It is often taken by some as a curtain that hides laziness and negligence in seeking, working and searching for opportunities.

Behind him is a disgruntled spirit, looking at those around her and ignoring her talents and advantages. Perhaps if she had gone out, she would have filled the world with light and happiness.

A curtain through which envy and hatred infiltrate and fills the chest with tightness for everyone and his companion, and times narrow with him, and because of him joy and peace disappear.

Constant complaint is accompanied by failure and lack of success.. and goodness is all good for those who are optimistic about life, rejoice in its sweetness, anticipate its cruelty, and change its conditions for sure with God's giving and his joy.

Life is not devoid of what annoys it, and the days are not clear to anyone, but the intelligent is the one who volunteers problems by searching for their solution, and takes patience to help overcoming crises, and leaves what is helpless for those who manage the matter from above seven heavens.

Every expectation is coming, and good thought and optimism open doors and hearts, unlike the habit of complaining, which deprives us of the tranquility of contentment with God, the Mighty and Sublime, and the conviction in His giving and confidence in the goodness of His predestination.

Be optimistic, for every new dawn has another opportunity, be patient with problems and look for alternatives whenever the road becomes narrow, and do not doubt God’s predestination for anyone of His creation.


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